Professor Feng Xie was invited to present a seminar in the Department of Pharmacy Systems, Outcomes and Policy and the Center for Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomic Research at the University of Illinois at Chicago on July 9th, 2018.

The title of his presentation is “Health Technology Assessment in Academia: Hope or Hype?

Abstract: Health technology assessment (HTA) is a comprehensive evaluation of clinical, economic, and societal impact associated with the adoption and diffusion of a technology. Its acceptance and importance for reimbursement or coverage policy making has growing significantly worldwide, owing in large part to the increasing tension between limited resource and increasing demand for health care. Academic researchers have been a driving force for advancing HTA methodology and promoting its application. McMaster University was one of the first academic institutions that established a HTA research program in partnership with federal and provincial agencies. In this seminar, Dr. Xie will share his experience and observation about the opportunities and challenges HTA has brought to academia.

For details please click here